A powerful immune system is a key part of living
a healthy life. It is the body’s natural defense system to fight off
all the viral or bacterial infections and toxic foreign bodies harmful to your body. It’s like your body’s personal army which is
always alert and ready to fight and prevent you from infections or limit your
infections. If your immune system becomes weak, then these viruses and bacteria’s
will attack your body and you will start losing your health.
I managed to improve my immunity naturally by using
healthy foods, vitamins, supplements and having a good exercise routine.
Here are some easy tips to Naturally Boost your
Immune System
1. Include these Food Items or
meals in your diet to give yourself a power booster
Chicken Broth/Stock: Regularly include this in your weekly lunch or dinner menu. I'm sure you remember your mother or grandmother telling you to eat your Chicken Broth soup when you were sick. It will heal and protect your gut, reduce inflammation and make your bones strong.
· Turmeric: Add this spice to
your life. Take it in a glass of warm milk at bedtime. It will act as a natural
vitamin and strengthen your body.
· Oranges: As you all know
that oranges are loaded with vitamin C and vitamin C is one of the best
vitamins to improve your immunity. So take your oranges, everyone!!
· Ginseng Tea: Ginseng is being used
for centuries as a herb which acts as a powerful vitamin. Take Ginseng
Tea for a good taste and improve immunity as well .
· Dark Chocolate: It contains the antioxidant theobromine, which has been
proven to ease coughing. It can be helpful in fighting off your
· Cayenne Pepper: They are also filled with beta carotene and antioxidants and
consuming it every day can be very beneficial for raising the activity of your
immune system.
· Broccoli: Add this super
vegetable to your diet to boost immunity and prevent yourself from getting
sick. It has a chemical sulforaphane which combats free radicals in your body.
· Spinach: It is also a superfood that is great for your health. It
contains vitamin C and fiber good for digestion. No wonder Popeye
used to eat it!!
· Eggs: Eggs are a good source of protein and are packed with immunity
boosting nutrients. They also contain vitamin D which is a vital
part of improving our immune system.
· Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It's true.
· Raw Honey: It’s not only delicious but also very good for you.
· Fish: It is a good source of protein and has many good nutrients to
make you stronger .
2. Taking these Supplements may
help improve your Immunity
· Vitamin D3: If you can’t get it naturally or you don’t have time for outdoor
activities in the sun, then you can take it as a supplement. Vitamin D
Deficiency is the most common one found in adults. According to a study by
MayoClinic , they found as many as 57 percent of adults are deficient from this
vitamin. Get yourself tested and then take it according to your doctor’s
· Vitamin C: Your body needs vitamin C for immunity. Many
controlled trials have proven that adequate intakes of vitamin C lessen the
symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory infections including the common
· Zinc: One of the most powerful supplements to boost your immune system
according to my personal experience and many studies have also proven it. It
helps in fighting many types of infections including diarrhea, viral
infections, common cold and many others. Some studies have shown Zinc to be
very effective in the management of some viral diseases.
· Vitamin B 6 and B 12: Most powerful vitamins for an energy boost. You
will definitely feel a major difference after taking these vitamins if your
body is deficient in them. In old times people used to take B 12 shots in
IV( injection) form for a quick boost of energy. Don’t take any supplement
without consulting your Doctor.
· Echinacea: This herbal extract is used since ages for the
treatment and prevention of various infectious diseases. It’s good for
children, the elderly and patients who are immunocompromised.
Note: Please don’t take any supplements without checking the daily
dosage intake requirement of each supplement. Overdosage of these supplements
can have serious side effects. It’s always best to consult with your family
doctor and then start your supplements.
3. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
· Eating healthy will make you healthy: Avoid junk food that you love, eat them in moderation, keep
away from fatty and sugary treats and limit them to once or twice a week. Avoid
overeating and have dinner 3 to 4 hours before bedtime.
· Cut on Alcohol and Smoking: Alcohol and Smoking both are terrible for your body and
suppress your immune system. Avoid as much as possible and stay away from
· Join a Gym or Start a Workout Routine: It’s the best thing you can do to your body and mind. Start
a low intensity to moderate intensity workout routine which you like. At least
exercise 30 to 60 mins every day. It will take all your stress
away and is the best thing for a powerful immune system. When your
mind and body are strong your body’s defense to fight infections will also be
· Avoid Stress and Fight of Depression from your
life: Any stress that you have/take, if it
remains for a long amount of time in your system then it can change into
depression. So try to avoid any stress and get out of your
depressing life. There are many tips on effectively managing stress and anxiety
from your life. Some stressful things become a part of your life like a bad
relationship, workplace problems, having a chronic disease or death of a loved
one. Find ways to manage these issues and get out of depression.
Stress and anxiety suppress your natural immune system.
I really improved my immune
system with the help of the above tips which I found after a lot of
research over the years in order to manage some of my chronic diseases. It
really improved and helped in my situation a lot. I hope my experience helps
you too!!!!!
Don’t start using any food items or supplements
without consulting with your health care practitioner.
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